Grace to the Humble

Pride believes it can change the world through sheer force of will, and is crippled with despair when the world proves too big to lift. Cleverness searches for angles and levers, and is crippled with despair when the ground shifts and the fulcrum breaks.

Humility knows it is a creature, and is not free to change the Creator’s will in the world. Humility knows it is a creature, and is free to cooperate in the Creation and Redemption of the whole humane cosmos, or to join those whose Pride and Cleverness bind them in self-destruction, at so great a cost.

Humility is therefore bold where Pride and Cleverness are tongue-tied.

(source: Pride believes it can change the world–Peter Gordon Epps)

This Non Nobis from Henry V, by the way, is one of the finest moments in culture from the past half-century.

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