…or you could just go with bigotry

Well, this is unpleasant:

Over the years, Obama administration officials have described Netanyahu to me as recalcitrant, myopic, reactionary, obtuse, blustering, pompous, and “Aspergery.” (These are verbatim descriptions; I keep a running list.)  But I had not previously heard Netanyahu described as a “chickenshit.”

(source: The Crisis in U.S.-Israel Relations Is Officially Here — The Atlantic, emphasis added)

It’s important to differentiate between just slandering one person, which is bad, and treating whole groups of people as problems that we can use as bywords in slandering other people.

Someone send the witch-hunters a memo about that, please.  And make sure you’re keeping it respectful, yourself, while you’re at it.

(P.S.  You won’t find me quoting Jefferson often, but he did now and then have a way with an apothegm.)

2 Thoughts.

  1. Speaking of bigotry: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/415955/blacks-get-pilloried-speaking-truth-about-ferguson-deroy-murdock

    too many liberals can’t handle the truth. Rather than intellectual engagement, leftists foam at their mouths and resort to the racist name-calling of which they accuse the Right. This ugliness has a disparate impact on black conservatives and even honest black liberals who stop reading the collectivist cue cards and think for themselves.

    White liberals call white conservatives wrong, mistaken, cold-hearted, and mean. But whites on the right never are accused of being bad white people or betraying their fellow Caucasians.

    Black conservatives and libertarians should be so lucky.

  2. Pingback: There are Nerds, and then there are Bigots | Inkandescence

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