Wish I could post here more frequently, folks. Combination of my writing a second dissertation (yes, I’m a glutton for punishment) and big transitions I have to manage in my day job – look for announcements about those later this spring. Big, exciting things are coming, if the Lord continues to grant our prayers!
In the meantime, I don’t usually post stuff from my day job here, but that’s mainly because I don’t usually write substantively in my day job. I’m trying to prevent the Oikonomia Network from becoming The Greg Forster Variety Show.
But I thought y’all would want to see this – my 2,000 words on the crisis of the American experiment at the present moment (particularly after Jan. 6) and the role of the church in determining the outcome:
What America needs most, humanly speaking, is credible leadership. We have plenty of leaders whose authority is accepted within their own particular social faction or subgroup. But we have virtually none who have credibility that is broader than mere loyalty to the tribe.
The incompetent management of the pandemic, our inability to enact criminal justice reform despite bipartisan desire for it, our burning cities and our broken capitol – all our crises point to the same need.
We need individuals and institutions able to stand up and say, “the public good requires us to do X,” and be widely believed.
Come for the riff on Conan the Barbarian’s unsuitableness as a model of civic virtue, stay for the inspiring summons to raise up a new generation of credible leaders for God’s people and world.
Keep your hand on the plow! And let me know what you think.